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Cristóbal Alonso, Director of Development, participates as a speaker at RENMAD Toledo in the round table on Permit processing for the development of energy storage projects.

We are in Toledo attending the 5th edition of Renmad Storage.
Yesterday 12th March we attended RENMAD Toledo, with a participation of more than 400 leaders and executives of energy storage in Spain, with Cristóbal Alonso Martínez, development director at ARENA Green Power as a speaker at the Panel on Permitting for the development of energy storage projects.

Our national development director reiterated the utmost importance of MITECO regulation for this type of project, in order to promote optimal knowledge associated with the impact of this type of project on today’s society.

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Arena Green Power will once again participate in the Zaragoza Job Fair and the Mayoress, Natalia Chueca recognises the efforts of the companies that facilitate job placement.

Arena Green Power will participate again in the Zaragoza and Aragon Job Fair.

Next 14th March 2024 we will participate once again in Zaragoza Dinámica, to present all the positions that are currently being managed in Aragón and to meet the candidates personally. We remind them that in accordance with the Data Protection regulations, we will not accept any CV on paper, but they will have to register in our intranet so that we can evaluate their applications. Please click on the following link

And so we are very grateful for the warm welcome we received last Friday at the Awards Ceremony in the Job Fair.

A large number of business representatives and many of the most important entities in Zaragoza received today, from the hands of the Mayoress Natalia Chueca, recognition for their involvement and commitment to the Municipal Institute of Employment and Business Development as a channel for training and insertion into the labour market.

Almost a hundred collaborators took part in the balance of Zaragoza Dinámica’s year 2023, where the challenge of the employment services is to consolidate such essential areas as the job placement of users, the attention to companies and the promotion of employment in the city. All the companies present have hired people through the Zaragoza Dinámica Job Bank and by participating in the 2023 Job Fair, among them Arena Green Power, who we are proud and grateful to contribute yet another year to the creation of employment in Aragon, the main Autonomous Community in the organisation’s strategic plans.
Zaragoza City Council, in its desire to contribute to the welfare of all citizens, works in this area of employment with various lines of action such as support in the recruitment and retention of talent, skills analysis, search and pre-selection of candidates and support and monitoring in the selection and integration processes. We are grateful for this type of excellent initiatives, and for having been able to participate for the second consecutive year.
We look forward meeting you soon!

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Arena Green Power becomes a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Navarra.

Arena Green Power becomes a partner of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of Navarra in 2024.

Our colleague Javier Marín, Project Manager responsible for the region of Navarra, where the company has had an abysmal growth in 2023 and where a key development is expected for 2024, tells the news. The objective is to establish our position as one of the main players in the development of renewable energies and to achieve significant progress in the processing of our portfolio. During this year we hope to close agreements with various entities to transfer the benefits of our projects to the population and improve our environmental integration strategy, as Javier, our project manager, also stated in  “Diario de Navarra”  on 8th  January this year 2024.

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Arena Green Assets, the new business line of the Arena Group becomes new partner of AEPIBAL.

ARENA Green Power, as an independent energy producer, is a company in full growth in the field of renewable energies at a national level for the moment, specialising in the promotion and development of photovoltaic and wind energy projects, in battery storage and also starting up hydrogen and hybridisation projects with a portfolio of almost 4 GW.

Through its subsidiary Arena Green Assets, we are committed to the development and creation of new battery storage projects (#StandAlone).
The current portfolio currently includes 400MW for Stand Alone/Storage projects.

The objective of Arena Green Assets is to contribute to the Electricity Market and to be able to provide more structure with Storage as a key player.
In addition to projects throughout the national territory, our vision is to create a more resilient society to the major global changes we face, and we do so with the firm purpose of contributing to the development of a more sustainable society and conscious of our impact on the planet.
We are therefore very grateful to welcome AEPIBAL as partners this year. We will bring all our knowledge and share concerns and synergies in the sector.


#EnergyStorage #ProudAEPIBAL #JoinusAEPIBAL #BESS

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Arena Green Power expands and opens four new offices during the last 2023

Arena Green Power opens its doors in 2023 to new offices located in the centre of Pamplona, Santiago, Bilbao and Santander. It is also specialising in a new line of business in battery storage with the company Arena Green Assets.

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RENMAD 2023 Zaragoza 18/18th October

🙌 Official Sponsors of #RENMADH2LogisticsEU 2023 🎉

We are pleased to announce that these are the sponsors joining the RENMAD H2 Logistics EU 2023 event, the most comprehensive event on #storage and transport of #H2 #renewable in 📍Zaragoza next 📅 18-19 October. Get your tickets now and secure your place at the event –


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One more year we promote Climathon, this year It will be on 27-29th of October in Seville.

✅ Climathon Seville opens the registration period for participants for this 2023, on 27-29 October Seville will host the fourth edition of Climathon in the city.

🔆 Under the slogan ‘A climate of change against climate change’, Climathon summons that restless and enterprising talent to compete in the creation of new ideas that manage to achieve the thermal comfort that is so often longed for in Seville. These solutions must be sought by focusing on water, vegetation and construction materials.

This new edition, which expects to receive a large number of applications for participation, will once again form interdisciplinary groups that will work for 48 hours to promote projects with a real impact that will reverse the present and future effects of climate change.

From Arena we are very pleased to be able to sponsor the event for another year and to facilitate the communication of the event, trying to give it greater visibility.

Participants do not require any previous preparation or specific training: they only have to be over 18 years old and be aware of the climate cause. Groups of friends, colleagues or classmates can also register directly as a team (maximum five members).

The main objective of Climathon is to raise awareness and mobilise citizens to become “agents of change”. The event serves as a meeting point to find effective solutions that can be applicable in Seville and elsewhere on our planet and accelerate the transition to a climate-resilient and carbon-free society. The urgency of this goal is unquestionable.


#27October2023 #Sevilla #renewableenergies

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RENMAD 2023 Toledo 29/30th March

How close we are to RENMAD BESS
We can’t wait any longer to see you next March 29th and 30th in Toledo at the fourth edition of #RENMADAlmacenamiento the most relevant face-to-face event on energy storage

We would like to thank for being part of the main sponsors and that way making possible this event and that we are meeting again one more year to study how to promote, finance, build and operate cost-effective storage projects in Spain, one year more.

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We are proud of being sporsors of Climathon Seville 2022

We are proud to collaborate with Climathon in their next challenge from October 28-30, 2022, called SEVILLE 2030: ENERGY OASIS OR ENERGY DESERT? Break your city’s energy dependence.

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The Arena Group promotes the employment of young people

It is publicly reported that:

Arena Green Power S.L. has received multiple grants subject to the de minimis regime under the terms established in the EU Regulation 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 of the Commission (DPUE no352, of 24 December 2013).

Arena Green Power S.L. with CIF B90432618 undertakes to comply with the dissemination and publicity measures in accordance with the technical specifications contained in the previously mentioned Community Regulations, with respect to the hiring of young students in internships, making possible a development from the beginning of their professional career.